Mission and Vision

We use a nature-centric approach to promote economic and personal wellbeing for all, regardless of caste, ethnicity, income, gender, or mental or physical challenges.

We will continue to collaborate with government departments to provide farming communities with poison-free food, an eco-friendly lifestyle, a pollution-free environment, and economic sustainability for all. While our mission statement speaks loudly, our actions speak louder. A donation to VOICE Trust helps us continue our work.

Strategic Goals

Enhance Ecological Biodiversity: Empower farming communities, including marginal farmers and landless agricultural laborers, to ensure access to poison-free food and other organic products for a healthy life.
Natural Resource Management: Promote environmental protection to ensure pure air, clean water, and a healthy life through ecological biodiversity and the planting and management of trees.
Economic Development: Focus on the marginalized and disadvantaged, providing support without discrimination based on creed, caste, gender, language, or region.
Basic Healthcare: Provide preventive and medical interventions for women, children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups, emphasizing nature-centric approaches.
Children’s Rights: Advocate for the rights of children, particularly orphans, working children, and girls, in line with the four basic rights outlined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 1989: the right to life, protection, development, participation, and the right to education.
Empowerment of Differently-Abled Individuals: Support disabled children, adults, and individuals with mental health challenges, promoting inclusion under the slogan “Disabled Rights are Human Rights.

Key Focus Areas

Increase Awareness: Promote the need for a nature-centric lifestyle to enhance economic empowerment, preserve ecological biodiversity, and protect the environment for current and future generations.
Facilitate Formation of People’s Organizations: Establish women’s self-help groups (SHGs), farmer forums, youth associations, children’s clubs, disabled people’s organizations, human rights groups, and unorganized workers’ associations to promote rights and responsibilities.
Enable Empowerment for All: Focus on empowering all individuals, especially disadvantaged and displaced groups, including women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and terminally ill persons, including those living with AIDS.
Promote Self-Help Initiatives: Foster cooperative action for economic development, emphasizing social justice and sustainable development. Our goals include gender justice through women’s rights, child rights with a focus on working children, livelihood rights for landless laborers, and rights for disadvantaged groups, including the rights of disabled individuals and rural adolescents.
Improve Life Orientation and Employability: Work towards enhancing employability for impoverished households, particularly in rural areas and urban slum localities where people struggle for survival in sub-human conditions.
Increase Community Participation: Encourage public involvement in community development activities, especially in the Panchayati Raj Movement through the election of women in the three-tier system.
Enhance Relief and Rehabilitation Programs: Collaborate with government, NGOs, and other stakeholders in areas affected by tsunamis, cyclones, floods, and other natural disasters.