Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAP)

Partnering with Nature for Better Harvests

Ecological Agriculture for Good Food, Better Environment, Best Life

Farming is the backbone of the Indian economy, but the agricultural practices that farmers have used for centuries are no longer sustainable.
Toxic pesticides pollute the air and water, while mono-cropping and chemical fertilizers degrade the soil, making it less climate-resilient. Although genetically modified seeds can increase crop yield, these gains are insufficient to offset the harvest losses caused by severe droughts and monsoons. Additionally, the soaring costs of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and GM seeds diminish the little profit farmers can earn.

Farmers find themselves working harder for less money. Unable to repay their loans, some farmers commit suicide at a much higher rate than the general population. Conventional farming practices are unsustainable because they harm both the planet and struggling farmers.

Sustainable agricultural practices can help make family farms profitable again. Seed banking, composting, multi-cropping, and crop rotation produce more plentiful and nutritious crops at a reduced cost. As a result, farmers earn enough money to continue living on their lands and feed their families. At the same time, more stable, resilient soil reduces the impact of natural disasters. Eliminating the use of fossil fuels and hazardous chemicals also slows global warming.

In 1995, VOICE Trust was introduced to integrated farming and adopted it as a focus activity. Agriculture not only provides food for all but also protects the environment and provides employment for many. The VOICE team shared nature-centric techniques with farming communities in parts of the Trichy District. As of 2024, there are 7,800 farmers committed to poison-free food production and fair trade ethical marketing, establishing direct linkages between producers and consumers.

From 1999 to 2004, VOICE Trust organized Training of Trainers (TOT) sessions in Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) for 105 individuals from across the State of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. IVI (Iyarkai Velaan Inaiyam) – A Forum for Eco Farming was started on February 2, 2000, and currently has 150 active groups in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. In July 2021, VOICE Trust provided project support to 3,360 women farmers in 40 districts across two states.

In 2013, Mrs. A. Jecintha, Managing Trustee of VOICE Trust, received Organic Certification from the government for the Nature Wonder Organic Farm at Siruganur in the Trichy District. This certification was not for commercial purposes but aimed at spreading nature-centric agriculture. The model farm is used for regular training in integrated farming and also for value-added products. Since 2021, VOICE Trust has been empowering women in agribusiness with support from Benevity. The organization continues to promote Eco-Enviro-Economic Enterprises in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

To save our communities and the planet, farmers must continue to grow organic crops sustainably for years to come. We are also teaching the next generation the principles and practices of sustainable agriculture. When these children grow up, they will have the skills to protect the planet, one farm at a time.

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