A Grain a Day: Nutrition from Grains & Pulses

On World Environment Day this year (5 June), VOICE Trust started a new initiative called “A Grain A Day.” Government schools used to provide one meal a day. But the pandemic has shut down the schools. And parents who have also lost their jobs can’t take up the slack.

A young boy being fed a grain a day

As part of VOICE Trust’s COVID relief program, Administrator Janet Preethi asked seven friends to join her in donating ₹7500 each to buy enough beans and lentils to feed 300 children a different grain for each of 5 days running. 

We began with white chickpeas, and VOICE Trust’s K. Vijay explained to the children their nutritional value. Subsequently, we distributed other varieties of chickpeas and two kinds of lentils. Each day, Vijay gave a short talk about why each of these grains or pulses was important to a healthy diet. He explained that pulses are a low-fat source of high levels of protein and fiber. Furthermore, they contain important vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, and folate.

Mr.S.R.Sridhar, Chairman of Manachanallur Panchayat Union, presided over the program. Moved by the childrens’ need, he generously made a donation to continue the “A Grain A Day” initiative in more villages. 

Indian residents can click below to support this program.  ₹20,000 will sponsor one additional village.