Climate change emergency in Tamil Nadu

Emergency relief for flood victims

Although most residents of the global North have yet to experience the devastating impacts of climate change, it has created a devastating emergency in Tamil Nadu. Tropical cyclone activity in the Indian Ocean increases each year, drenching Tamil Nadu with flooding. This year it has been raining almost incessantly since November 1 and many parts of the state are flooded.

Roads are swept away, houses are damaged and trees are uprooted. Several villages are cut off from mainland infrastructure and cities are flooded. Thousands have taken fled to relief camps, where the conditions are often dire. It will still be weeks before they will be able to return home and start rebuilding.

You can help

Voice Trust is scrambling to provide aid to uprooted families in the form of dry rations, new clothes, sanitary and baby napkins, water drums, and medical care. By replacing lost equipment, we are helping workers resume their jobs. School supplies for school-going children are helping them to continue their studies.